Finally, we met
I know you landed on this website with one hope, and I am happy you are going to be a member of our family. I would love to put all my efforts into achieving your dream body.
About us
Hello, beautiful people, I am Kamaldeep Singh Gill, a fitness expert qualified by the University of Birmingham and holding advanced knowledge about strength and conditioning as well as sports nutrition. I am in the fitness industry by 2014 and helped more than 733 clients worldwide to achieve their fitness goals. Actually, my training program is totally different and unique, which is why students are always on the waiting list to enrol in training. In my training program, I work with only a few clients and train them over video calls according to their booked slot, but not in groups or in Zoom classes. When you train with your trainer every day over video calls, trust me, you enjoy your workout and learn so many new things, which makes your workout more interesting and keeps pushing you to continue your daily workout. Secondly, an interesting thing is that I prefer home-made, easy-cooked food not unnecessary supplements and drugs . Fitness means being fit or in shape, energetic, sexually active, confident, and free from disease, but these days fitness is becoming a marketing place to sell supplements that are really not necessary, even for vegetarians. Over all, you can say Anatomy E Fitness is a training program where you’re going to be treated like family members. If you would like to train with me, just scroll down and check the availability of a slot. If you get the chance to book a slot, then let’s start your fitness journey, and trust me, you will enjoy your workout and diet. For more information, you can check video linked here or you can send me inquiry and we can talk further on my day off. Good luck
What our Client’s eat
The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.

Clients Transformation's
This young lady wanted to transform her body like Kim Kardashian so we put lots of efforts with diet and workout discipline and we finally achieved her dream body.
This young gentleman is vegetarian, and when he started training with me, he was just 50 kg, but within 50 days, he gained 10 kg of lean muscle mass with lots of efforts with diet and regular workouts.
When this sir started training with me, he had pre-diabetes, more than 114 kg of weight, and very low testosterone, which means lower than borderline, but he put in lots of effort, recovered a lot, improved his libido, and also cured himself of pre-diabetes and lost massive weight.
This gentleman was totally disappointed with his body under weight body structure and had no hope of gaining weight, but with proper nutrition diet, and regular workouts, he changed his look totally and gained lots of muscle mass.
When she started with me, she was totally demotivated and had issues of PCOS but with proper workouts and diet, she recovered a lot and reduced massive weight.
This young guy is just 22 and vegetarian, and when he started, he was totally unfit because he had never been to the gym, and he thought we needed lots of supplements and drugs to gain muscles, but once he started training, he saw improvement every day, and you can see his body's natural results in just 3 month
When this doctor started with me, she had excessive pounds of fat because of her sitting job, but with full discipline, she reduced massive weight with home workouts and a proper nutrition diet.
When this young man started training, he told me he felt like he vomited blood sometimes. Then we had some blood tests and found he was suffering from a fatty and unhealthy liver because of junk food. We did regular workouts with proper home-made food, and he recovered a lot and you can see his liver shape clearly in pictures
When this gentleman started training with me, he had only 6 nmol of testosterone, which was very low and borderline, but we had one hope, so we started and increased his testosterone by 10 nmol in a very short period of time, which was impossible without medication. You can see his drastic body changes to gain muscle mass.
This young man is vegetarian, and when he started, he was just 60 kg, but with less effort and a proper workout and diet, he gained 14 kg of muscle mass in a short period of time.
This guy's fitness journey was so complicated because he started training with me and reduced 8 kg, then went missing, then came back and reduced 10 kg, then went missing, but with lots of irregular fluctuations, he showed me these results.
This young man was suffering from pre-diabetes and excessive weight, but when he started training with me, he was so strict with diet and workout that he reduced massive fat and recovered him self from pre-diabetes in a short period of time.
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